self portrait, 2020.

self portrait, 2020.

about jesse allyn

a word on my art; every photo, every form rather, is a snapshot of something inherently present within, but also a desperate grasping at the intangible, unattainable parts that I find a little bit more of in each frame. the slow reveal. I find myself obsessed with the in-betweens, the flutter of an invisible reaction felt under the skin in only the briefest of moments. be it obsession or possession, the act of creation is a necessary act of catharsis, to pursue it rabidly like a dog — chasing the vignettes of all things living, all things shouting. these momentary manifestations I seek to share with the ones who want to listen, in those quiet moments with themselves. these invisible cities we build in our heads, they are the sole reason for expression, they are constant creation and delicate decay — and we sacrifice ourselves at their alter.

— j

allyn is self-represented and takes clients on a limited basis. inquire about their availability: